College of Health Professions, Nursing and Pharmacy

Start Here with Pre-Pharmacy

MU student working in pharmacy

Is Pharmacy in your Future?

If you’ve yet to start college and you’re thinking about a career in pharmacy, here is some helpful information how to get there:

All pharmacists must attend an accredited pharmacy school for four years to earn a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) professional degree.

To qualify for admission into pharmacy school, you'll first need to complete a pre-pharmacy curriculum at an undergraduate institution. You can do this in two years if you work hard and get good grades, so it's possible to get your Pharm.D. degree in six years. Some students choose to complete a bachelor's degree, which typically requires four years of undergraduate study, but it’s not required to apply for pharmacy school.

You can choose either path at Manchester, or you can enroll in our Fast Forward track and earn a bachelor's degree, along with the credits to apply to pharmacy school, in just three years.

Whichever track you choose, you should know that admission to pharmacy school is not automatic. You'll apply and compete against other bright and motivated students for a limited number of seats. A personal interview will decide if you’re to be granted admission based on your grades and potential to succeed at the next level.

Pharmacists must also be licensed, which requires passing two exams after graduation from pharmacy school.

Why Manchester for Pre-Pharmacy?

Manchester has a longstanding tradition for excellence in the sciences and preparing students for careers in health care. Our graduates are accepted into medical school and other health care programs at rates much higher than the national average.

Our biology-chemistry curriculum is structured for flexibility with key science classes front-loaded in your first two years. If you should decide pharmacy isn't for you, you can change to a related career path that builds on all your earned science credits.

If you meet the requirements to enroll in our Early Assurance Program when starting your pre-pharmacy track, you can reserve a seat early in Manchester’s Doctor of Pharmacy. That’s a great reason to think Manchester for both pre-pharmacy and pharmacy!

Connect with Admissions

A great way to learn more about our undergraduate pre-pharmacy program is to fill out an inquiry form and make your connection to our Admissions Office. Or feel free to call 800-852-3648 or email When you're ready to apply, visit

What can you do with a pharmacy career?

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